Love What
We seek out people from all walks of life to learn about their journey finding what they love to do. Over 200 stories later, we feel that much closer to understanding this important self-discovery that happens within all of us.

Dr. Pushpa Chandra: Extreme Distance Runner
Dr. Pushpa Chandra is a naturopathic doctor and extreme runner. She has run over 500 marathons and ultra-marathons.

Cameron Sterling: Street Thug Barbers and Philanthropist
How Cameron Sterling and Street Thug Barbers are giving back.

Joe Buffalo: Pro Skateboarder & Actor
At 11 years old Joe Buffalo was taken from his community and put into a residential school. Once he came of age he got himself out and his love and passion for skateboarding allowed him to transcend the negativity that surrounded him and gave him the opportunity to tour the country and quickly became one of Canada's best young skateboarders.

DJ Shub: First Nations DJ & award-winning Music Producer - Bringing Powwow step to the Dance Floor
DJ Shub began connecting to his culture when he started making powwow step. The first time he combined powwow and dubstep he felt a deep connection to the music. Now his powwow step creates a unique, modern gathering space for both Indigenous and non-Indigenous people to connect over beating drums.
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