Precision and Focus: Guy and Kindar McNamee


Kindar and Guy grew up climbing everything in sight – the walls, the roof, the monkey bars, you name it. Their parents took them to a climbing gym when they were 9 years old and they instantly fell in love with the sport. The brothers started competing at the age of 11 and they’ve been on the rise ever since.

Now, with intensity and focus beyond their age of sixteen, working with coach JC Reinosa, they are excelling, capturing climbing titles in North America and all over the world. “I'm not really sure what what what made them want to climb. They just wanted to move,” says their mother Caroline. “And that hasn’t changed. Now, they climb five days a week. They never don't want to go ever. It's their absolute favourite thing to do. They completely love it. And they never give up. You know, they keep trying, they're really committed to challenging themselves.” Coach JC Reinosa has been working with Guy and Kindar for over four years. He believes that their impressive wingspan, hand size and lower body flexibility are all physical assets that make the twins phenomenal climbers.

But their biggest asset, according to JC, is their dedication, discipline and focus. “I’m unbelievably proud from where we started to where we are now. As a coach, I want them to keep climbing, injury-free for as long as they can. I would love to see them eventually competing for Canada at the Olympics and at a World Cup level, climbing in the finals. A lot of people talk about goals like this, but very few act. I believe Guy and Kindar have the good habits, discipline and love of the sport to achieve these goals.”

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The Wellbeing Project


Karolina Kuras: National Ballet Photographer