Indigenous Voices

Over the years, True Calling has had the opportunity to meet, get to know, and learn the diverse stories of many amazing Indigenous people through the work we do as a production company based in the Pacific Northwest.

As we reflect back on these inspiring stories, we wanted to honor their culture and share with our audience. Our hope is that by learning about these stories, we can work to heal from our past and empower the future.

The aftermath of residential schools, forced assimilation, and countless other injustices done by the Canadian government have caused extensive intergenerational harm to the Indigenous people of this land. We find solace and inspiration in seeing the work being done to celebrate and grow the culture that was oppressed in Canada’s dark past.

There is more action needed to continue on this path of reconciliation and an important part of this is representation. It’s important that the media properly reflects the diverse languages, cultures, and perspectives of Indigenous people. As a Canadian production company we see the opportunity to amplify these voices and to be adding a small piece to the changing media-scape of Indigenous identity.

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